#Shortcut to OPEN terminal
ctrl + alt + t
#Shortcut to CLOSE terminal
ctrl + d
#Kill the terminal proccess
cltr + c
#Auto completion of files names
use TAB while you are typing any name of file
ctrl + A #move your cursor to the beginning of the line
ctrl + E #move your cursor to the End of the line
alt + C #convert Capital character of word on Uppercase and rest on Lowercase
alt + L #convert all characters beggining from the cursor on Lowercase
alt + U #convert all characters beggining from the cursor on Uppercase
ctrl + K #Cut the text from the cursor to the end of the line (Kill text)
ctrl + U #Cut the text from the cursor to the beggining of the line
ctrl + Y #Paste the text that you did cut (Yanking text)
Basic terminal commands
help command will help us how to use a parameters
help cd
help rm
cd --help
rm --help
manual page of commands (like help, but better graphical)
man cp
short description of linux commands
show history of commands used in terminal
the whole bash history is in file ~/.bash_history
history #show you whole history of terminal
history 20 #limited by number like 5, 20, 100 ...
history -c #clean whole history (be careful)
!412 #if u type it in console just it use 412 command from history list
412 -> git clone https://github.com/testerBartek/GIT
#to look on file with history
gedit ~/.bash_history
print working directory
change directory
cd Desktop/ #path to cd
cd .. #previos level of directory
cd / #go to root dir
cd ~ #go to home/USER dir
cd - #back to previous dir (in memory)
print a wrote text
echo texttoprint
graphical text editor
create a new file and start to edit
edit current file
gedit test #open a text editor
#you can close it, write something, save
#after you close editor, you can back to terminal
terminal text editor
nano test #open file in terminal
#you are allow to edit it
#^G ^O ^W => ctrl+G ctrl+O ctrl+W ...
cat / tac
show text in the same window of terminal
cat test #normal text
tac test #reverse
head / tail
head print first lines from the file
tail print the last lines from the file
[TIP] to create 30 or more lines of numbers use command:
for((i=1;i<=30;i++)); do echo $i >> 30lines; done
t ail 30lines #tail FILE_NAME
head 30lines #head FILE_NAME
#default command print 10 lines
tail -5 30lines #-5 it's parameter how much lines to print
head -8 30lines
tail -n 5 30lines
show line number , word number , byte/character numbers
wc test #wc FILE_NAME
9 60 390 test
#9 -> line number
#60 -> word number
#390 -> character numbers
wc -l #only show line number
wc -w #only show word number
wc -c #only show character number
wc -L #show the characters of the longest line!
list a directory content
# Basic ls commands
ls # list a dir
ls / # list root dir
ls ~ # list home dir
ls .. # list previous dir files
ls -i # inode number
ls -l # file size in bytes, date and time of modifications
ls -a # show every files (.hidden too)
ls -t # show by last modificated files
ls -r # reverse order (normal ls from A to Z, with -r from Z to A)
ls -R # showing every dir and everything what is inside
hidden files always have dot "." before name like .hidden
#every parameters we could mix
ls - ali = ls -ail = ls -ial = ls -ila = ls -lia = ls -lai
ls -tr # reverse time
ls -ltr # reverse time and show file size
ls -latR # show .hidden files, file sizes, show by last modificated files
#and every files inside directories
Hard Link
the same inode number
the exactly same size of file
ln example hardlink1
Soft Link
(it's the same as shortcut in windows)
different inode number
smaller file size - only 8 bites
ln -s example softlink1
Create soft link to directory is possible but hard link isn't.
Files commands
change timestamp of a file on current date and time
rm -i file1 #ask about remove the file
rm -iR dir1 #ask to remove every single file
rm -f file1 #remove force file
rm -fR dir1 #remove force dir
#you can use it on not existing file
#and logs don't give any information about this
rm -v file1 file2 #remove file with information about it
rm -vR dir1 #remove directory with information about it
copy files
#command scheme
#cp file1 file2 ... file99 ... dir1 [the last is destination]
cp file1 file2 #copy file1 and paste in file2
cp file1 file2 dir1 #copy file1 file2 and paste it in dir1
cp -R dir2 dir1 #copy dir use -R
cp -i file1 file2 #ask about overwirte files
cp -vr dir1 dir2 #show logs about the files
Be careful file could be overwrite !
move files
renaming files
mv oldfilename newfilename #changing name of file
mv hiddenfile .hiddenfile #make hidden file
mv file1 file2 dir1 #move file1 and file2 to directory
mv -i file1 dir1 #ask to confirm overwrite file
check properties and file extension
file file1 cat earth
file file1
which / type
which -> print path to another command like cp / ls ...
[display an Executable's location]
type -> print path to another command and show is this command is shell builtin
Types of commands:
1. Executable Programs
2. Shell builtins
3. Shell scripts
4. Alias
Filenames with space and special characters
Create file and directory with space or special characters
mkdir'text with space'
mkdir "text with space2"
touch text\ with\ space3
touch'$%@ text with special characters $!@#'
mkdir $\%\>\special\ character
mkdir \\ #show only 1. \
Own commands
multiple commands
use more than 1 command in one time
1stcommand; 2ndcommand; ...;nthcommand
1stcommand && 2ndcommand && ...&&nthcommand
#if command is incorrect the rest of commands will not execute
#1. create dir 2. create file 3. move file to new directory
mkdir dir1; touch file; mv file dir1
'*' and '?'
wildcard is a symbol that represents one or more characters
symbol '*' represents (matches) ANY characters
symbol '?' represents (matches) a SINGLE character
cp [abcd]* dir1 #copy files which start on letters a,b,c,d
cp [!abcd]* dir1 #copy files which aren't start on letters a,b,c,d
cp [1-3]* dir1 #copy files which start on numbers from 1 to 3 [1,2,3]
cp [[:upper:]]* dir1 #copy files which start from UPPER letter
cp [[:lower:]]* dir1 #copy files which start from low letter
cp *[[:digit:]] dir1 #copy files which ends on number
cp [[:alpha:]]* dir1 #copy files which starts on any letter (upper and lower)
cp [[:alnum:]]* dir1 #copy files which emds on alhpabet or numeric
help to works faster with use specific own commands
alias #type list of created alias
alias newcommandname="YourCommand" #create alias
alias newcommandname #use definied alias
unalias newcommandname #delete alias
gedit ~/.bashrc #file with aliases (edit / delete ...)