from selenium import webdriver# class ChromeDriver():# def testMethod(self):# driver = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path="C:\\Users\\nn\\PycharmProjects\\drivers\\chromedriver.exe")# driver.get("")## cc = ChromeDriver()# cc.testMethod()driver = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path="C:\\Users\\nn\\PycharmProjects\\drivers\\chromedriver.exe")driver.get("")
When using class in ChromeDriver, after the page is load the browser will close. Without class the browser stay on this site.
Extension Ranorex Selocity
Inspect element
Ranorex Selocity show <input> css / xpath to copy to automation tests
Internet Explorer
Internet Explorer driver is called IEDriverServer.exe
Requirements to run tests on Internet Explorer
Set a zoom on 100%
2. Make sure that Protected Mode on every of 4 types of zone are the same (Disable or Enable)
a) Internet
b) Local intranet
c) Trusted sites
d) Restricted sites
from selenium import webdriverclassIEDriverWindows():deftestMethod(self): driver = webdriver.Ie(executable_path="C:\\Users\\nn\\PycharmProjects\\drivers\\IEDriverServer.exe") driver.get("")ieObject =IEDriverWindows()ieObject.testMethod()
It's only supported on Macs. (Apple)
import webdriver
from selenium import webdriver #use a selenium package
FROM:/*<input id="displayed-text" name="show-hide" class="inputs displayed-class" placeholder="Hide/Show Example" type="text">*/input[id='displayed-text']#displayed-text/*be careful on the same id in another class*/input#displayed-textinput[class='inputs displayed-class'] /*whole name of class should be used*/.displayed-classinput.displayed-class
Appending Classes
.class1.class2.class3 -> Until we find a unique element
Wildcards in CSS Selectors
tag[attribute<special character>='value']
FROM:/*<input id="name" name="enter-name" class="inputs" placeholder="Enter Your Name" type="text" style="">&<input id="displayed-text" name="show-hide" class="inputs displayed-class" placeholder="Hide/Show Example" type="text" style="">*/input[class='inputs'] -> only 1 matchinginput[class^='inputs'] -> 2 matching (2 times class starts from inputs)input[class^='inp'] -> 2 matching the same like in inputsinput[class='displayed-class'] -> no maching (because not whole name of class)input[class$='class'] -> 1 matching (from displayed-class)input[class*='displayed-class'] -> 1 matching (second word of class)input[placeholder='Enter'] -> no machinginput[placeholder^='Enter'] -> 1 matching
Single slash ‘/’ anywhere in xpath signifies to look for the element immediately inside the parent element. Double slash ‘//’ signifies to look for any child or nested-‐ child element inside the parent element.
absolute Xpath:/html/body/header/div/div/div/div/ul/li[2]/arelative Xpath using single '/'://div[@id="navbar"]/div/div/div/ul/li[2]/aeffective(optimized)Xpath using double '//'://div[@id="navbar"]//ul/li[2]/a
//tag[contains(attribute, ‘value’)]
//div[@id='navbar']//a[contains(text(),'Login')]//div[@id='navbar']//a[contains(@class,'navbar-‐link') and contains(@href,'sign_in')]
//tag[starts-‐with(attribute, ‘value’)]
//div[@id="navbar"]//a[contains(@class, 'navbar-link')] -> 2 matching//div[@id="navbar"]//a[starts-with(@class, 'navbar-link')] -> 1 matching/*check first of class name which is using */the most shortest path is://a[@href='/sign_in']